For the snout you proceed as follows:
Make the nostrils larger with the dark colour. Draw a line down from the middle of the nose (between the nostrils) to the upper lip. You draw the whiskers with a fine brush.

If you do not want the colours to mix, be sure to wait for the first layer to dry before applying another colour over it or up against it.

Hint: Regularly change the water you rinse your brushes in and preferably work with two water bowls: one for light and one for dark shades.

General tip: Water Make-up can be used to add (additional) colour to the hair and eyebrows, provided that the hair is not permed, bleached or dyed. Use a toothbrush to do this.
Tipcrème can be applied directly onto the skin or into the hair. You can apply it directly from the tube or with a brush. If the Tipcrème is applied on top of the Water Make-up, one must work quickly and without rubbing.

You can lightly wash the skin with lukewarm water and soap (or shampoo) to already remove a great part. Massage it in briefly and rinse off with lukewarm water. Scrubbing too much with water and soap or shampoo can irritate the skin. You can clean the skin further if required with a cleansing milk or cleansing cream. Massage it in gently and remove it with a soft tissue.
Do not use Afschmink, as this contains waxes and oils which actually adhere the Water Make-up to the skin.
Do not use ready-to-use cleansing cloths.
If a trace of colour is left on the skin, it can be removed with Grimas Cleansing Lotion. If the skin feels dry after cleaning, you can apply a care cream.

Hair that has been coloured using Water Make-up (Pure) can be washed with shampoo.

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