Water Make-up (Pure) Grimas Water Make-up (Pure) is an unperfumed, gluten-free water-based make-up, intended for face-painting and body-painting.
Water Make-up works just like watercolour paint. The colours can be mixed together.
Pure means that the product in question does not contain any chemical preservatives (such as parabens) or halogenated organic compounds.
The Water Make-up (Pure) is available in palettes of 6, 12 or 24 x 2,5 ml cups. In addition the colours can be ordered individually in A1(2,5 ml) and in 15, 25 and 60ml packaging. Click a colour to see the sizes available in that colour.
There are 41 matt Water Make-up (Pure) colours plus 12 Pearl shades.
Dermatological declaration
In the dermatological declaration one can read the following:
The products have been dermatologically tested for 24, 48 and 72 hours on 30 persons with healthy skin. No irritation occurred.

Safety declaration
Has been evaluated at:
The toxicity profile of the ingredients used, taking account of any contaminants present.
Interactions between the various raw materials.
Quantities of weight and volume the consumer is exposed to.
Foreseeable improper use by the consumer-group.

Water Make-up (Pure) can be applied directly onto the skin, but you can also first apply a layer of Grimas Cake Make-up. This has the benefit of allowing the colours of Water Make-up (Pure) to be applied more evenly and more vividly and also that they are easier to remove later. Cake Make-up dries quickly and does not mix with the Water Make-up (Pure).
When you work with Water Make-up Pure, it is important to apply it to a clean, non-greasy skin. This will allow the make-up to stick to the skin better and to keep its effect longer. Water Make-up works just like watercolour paint. Use a brush or a make-up sponge and a little water to make the surface of the colour soft and pasty. Don't work too dry, but do not use too much water. Water Make-up (Pure) dries within 15 seconds.
If you do not want the colours to mix, be sure to wait for the first layer to dry before applying another colour over it or up against it.
Regularly change the water you rinse your brushes in and work preferably with two water dishes: one for light and one for dark shades.
Water Make-up (Pure) can also be applied to hair, as long as it has not been treated (perm, dye, bleach, henna). Use a toothbrush to do this.
You can lightly wash the skin with lukewarm water and soap (or shampoo) to already remove a great part. Massage it in briefly and rinse off with lukewarm water. Scrubbing too much with water and soap or shampoo can irritate the skin.
You can clean the skin further if required with a cleansing milk or cleansing cream. Massage it in gently and remove it with a soft tissue.
Do not use Afschmink, as this contains waxes and oils which actually adhere the Water Make-up to the skin.
Do not use ready-to-use cleansing cloths.
If a trace of colour is left on the skin, it can be removed with Grimas Cleansing Lotion. If the skin feels dry after cleaning, you can apply a care cream.
Hair that has been coloured using Water Make-up (Pure) can be washed with shampoo.
If Water Make-up gets onto clothing, rinse it out under a tap. Leave the item of clothing to soak in water containing a pre-wash (Biotex). Then wash it by hand or put it in the washing machine.
Clearing up the materials
If necessary, rinse the Water Make-up clean and wipe the surfaces of the colours dry with clean tissues. Let the make-up dry out in the air and only put the lid back on when the Water Make-up is dry. Store it in a dry and cool place until the next time you use it.
The sponges are disposable so you can throw them away after use. If you do want to reuse them, first rinse them under the tap with some soap or shampoo or wash them in the washing machine (in a net bag or pillow case), set to at least 60°C.
You can clean brushes with water and soap or shampoo. Put the moist hairs of the brushes back into shape by hand after washing. Dry the brushes lying flat on a towel and do not place them upright, since that causes the moisture to run down into the shaft.